
Adystra Bimo Herayanto

I am a big believer in sports and the benefit it gives. I see sport creates friendships between people who would not normally communicate. Having the experience of running more than 10 marathons, I learned so much about endurance training and how it can be applied in everyday life: don’t strive for perfection. Instead, challenge yourself to be better and minimize any obstacles that prevent you from getting there.

I read sports marketing and have worked with various global sports brands. Besides humanizing business with Innate Motion, I also act as a running coach, helping recreational athletes achieve their running goals.

Jasmine Huang

Raised in China, a global citizen, beauty and fashion enthusiast, and devoted mother to Leon and Quentin. Gained insight into China through global conversations. Advocates for integrating humanity into business and excels at making abstract strategies tangible. Swiftly turning purpose into action.

As a Crusader, humanity is critical to creating a better world.
It takes fierce empathy to listen to people without judgment. I believe in the power of projective techniques to stimulate conversations and discover the deeper why behind the answers. Understanding people’s behavior unlocks the triggers to vital behavior that improves the world.

Subodh Deshpande

I am a Creator, poet, writer, theatre aficionado, and nature lover who likes to walk amongst the green trails of Singapore. My love for creativity led me to a career in advertising in Mumbai, India. I enjoy how culture shapes our lives, and I moved into a role focused on culture-based brand planning. During my advertising career, I worked in Mumbai and Singapore on iconic brands from The Coca-Cola Company, Johnson & Johnson, and Unilever. Currently based in Singapore, and now exploring how human empathy can make companies and brands relevant and powerful.

I am troubled about the state of our planet and am deeply interested in projects that are based on regenerative thinking to add back to the planet. I am a firm believer in the B Corp movement, and I participate in leadership discussions on the role of regenerative businesses. My recent projects with leading brands have focussed on transformative humanizing journeys, brand positioning, and communication development. On weekends  I love photographing birds and natural landscapes and writing articles for The Punch magazine India.

Arya Djoehana

Curious mind, open heart, polymath, creative problem solver, adventurer, snowboarder, surfer, musician, biohacker, hedonist, lover, son, brother, friend, student of life. Since coming of age, I see the world bringing exciting opportunities yet socially and environmentally unfair. This realization triggered a lifelong journey worldwide to understand better, discover new ideas, push new boundaries, and enjoy life. I believe in co-creating a world that is more generous and open to all beings.

Hence, my calling is to liberate as many people as possible from limiting narratives by sharing experiences and fresh perspectives. I joined Innate Motion in 2008 because I was attracted to humanizing business. This decision has taken me on an eclectic series of impact-driven projects involving research, brand & business transformation, and innovation for various industries across five continents. 

Fang Qi Lim

Born to organize, a free spirit, single mom, ex-vegetarian, erstwhile flutist, fitness enthusiast

After graduating from business school and exploring roles in secretarial, personal assistance, office administration, and real estate sales, I found my place in the Life Support team of Innate Motion in 2014, and my calling in coordinating projects across the globe. The demands of my work keep me on my toes. From simplifying information into concise steps to connecting the dots, problem-solving, and making processes work more efficiently, I enjoy the varied challenges of this game of work.