
Dr. Andreea Vanacker

My life project is Million Years of Joy, which inspires leaders to create purpose-driven organizations that optimize flow, well-being, joy, and business growth.
From key-note speeches to workshops, I inspire my audience to take action to elevate their life and leadership journeys to new heights. I founded SPARKX5, a company that elevates human potential through its holistic well-being application and resilience programs., along with the IAMWILD Foundation, is another venture that leverages art and a sustainable business model to protect wild ecosystems around the world. I co-authored my most recent book, The Human Growth Code, with Christophe Fauconnier, founder and chairperson of Innate Motion.

Yaw Sarkodie

Active dream chaser, lifelong nomad, self-certified experience junkie, amateur yogi, and an innovative rebel. I have always found it easy to fit naturally in different settings and connect with people seamlessly. This ability enables me to view and appreciate the world from different windows. It fuels the spirit of curiosity and restlessness in me which exposes me to different disciplines, cultures, and countries. Getting to connect deeply with people all around the world brings me so much joy. 

I am passionate about improving systems that stifle empowerment and the pursuit of better livelihoods for people in society. You can refer to me as an activist of the sustainable or regenerative movement. My work centers on working with businesses to be beacons of change in the industry and with individuals to elevate their thinking and empower them to drive the change the world so desperately needs to secure our collective future.